In 1948, eight-year-old Winnie (played by Esther Scheldwacht) arrives in the Netherlands, while the war of independence is raging in the Dutch East Indies. In her new homeland she radically opts for being 'non-Indian', which means to her: being free, being in control. She marries the Dutch entrepreneur Lex (Hein van der Heijden), falls in love with the Surinamese Gudrun (Romana Vrede) and again and again she fights for her autonomy. When Winnie turns out to be terminally ill at the age of eighty, her son Ramses (Bram Coopmans) reconstructs her life in a provocative exhibition in the Kunstmuseum in The Hague. He shows what traces the colonial past has left in the lives of Winnie and her children. Mother and son meet in a shop in The Hague for a conversation they never dared to have before.